More than just tailor-made courses:
our in-house trainings

Individual training and development measures are a building block for the sustainable qualification of employees and managers. With in-house training (also called in-house seminars), the company remains flexible – determines the topics and focus, the location, format and language.
An in-house training is a measure that is carried out exclusively for you and your employees and is tailored to your needs and objectives in terms of content and location.
In-house training at amontis is the right choice if you want to train several employees at the same time. The colleagues are “in-house” – in the company, close to the workplace, directly involved in day-to-day business and in the circle of colleagues.
Worked-out results remain in-house, i.e. in-house.
Competent, individual and interactive training
When companies want to train several employees on the same topic or enable managers to exchange ideas in a protected space, the choice often falls very quickly on in-house training. In an in-house event, sector- and company-specific features are taken into account and focussed on. Case studies from the own company are used and company-specific problems can be dealt with and processed in a more targeted way.
Internal processes and requirements can be adapted and implemented in the company, close to the workplace, directly in daily business and in the circle of colleagues. This makes in-house seminars particularly effective, whether for beginners, experts or decision-makers.
In-house training creates a cross-departmental exchange of knowledge and experience that favours future cooperation and supports the company-wide networking idea. After a joint analysis of the problem and initial situation, a custom-fit seminar concept including individual, exclusive knowledge is developed, which is geared to the needs of the company.
In-house training ensures a uniform level of information and knowledge among employees throughout the company.
With in-house seminars you save time, ways and costs
In view of the profitable advantages mentioned so far, the economic benefits cannot be dismissed either.
In addition to the aspect of saving enormous training costs with in-house training, there are no additional travel and accommodation costs for the employees, because the experts come to you.
Companies save additional resources such as time, travel and costs here.
Your advantages at a glance:
Tailor-made course offer:
The training programme is tailored precisely to your company.
Treatment of sensitive company-related topics within a protected atmosphere.
Case studies:
Application areas can be specifically elaborated and trained using your own current case studies and simulations.
Optimisation through practical relevance:
Internal processes and specific requirements can be incorporated and dealt with.
Business aspect:
In-house training is the best and the most cost-effective alternative to many individual training sessions. It saves your company training costs.
Team building:
All participants set out together on the path to collective success.
How we do it
amontis has been combining methodical and specific competence with many years of practical expertise for over 25 years. Our enthusiasm is for your company and the goals we want to achieve with you. We come to you, ask and listen. After an in-depth needs analysis, we work closely with you in partnership to create the optimal seminar programme for you. Sustainable, consistent – in Germany and, if required, also worldwide.
Among our seminar topics in our seminar catalogue you may find a concept that meets or comes close to your ideas. We also offer all topics and variations thereof for you as in-house training and tailor them to the development goals and participant groups from your company.
You are looking for an in-house training, an individual course concept that suits you and which is developed in close partnership with your company and our experienced consultants, trainers and coaches?
We are happy to advise you personally and individually.
Contact us!